I've decided to start this blog in an effort to help find myself. I am seeing professionals to help me, but I also want to be in control of finding myself. So with that being said, it takes us to here.
But what is here?
Honestly, I have no idea. I am lost. You see, I got dismissed from my top school last week. I also have decided to change my major. But with this comes so much hatred toward myself. Why did I waste two years on a major nothing related to what I want to change to? Why did I let my grades get so low? Why did I let my GPA drop under a 2.0? So many more questions...
So now I am a lost puppy. Sitting in the middle of the woods. Trying to figure out which path to take. Trying to just stay alive.
Join me on my journey to Finding Mak.
what to write in a 40th birthday card
5 years ago
Good luck to you sweetheart. You will find your way.